All the Windwracked Stars listed on!
The trade paperback of The Origin of Storms is available now!
Signed, personalized books available through Odyssey Books.
We're calling it a 'curated' book tour
'Dolly' movie rights sold to Apple TV+
Sub-Inspector Ferron returns!
Machine is available in all formats now.
The Best of Elizabeth Bear available for pre-order!
The New York Public Library Best Books of 2019 list...
Obligatory 2019 Eligibity Post
If you enjoyed Ancestral Night, here's a brief preview of the protagonist of Machine.
Short stories at play in the world
Newsletter moved, and new content.
The Red-Stained Wings is Coming Soon!
Pinion now available in the UK!
Ancestral Night is out in the world!
Undertow on sale...
"A Time To Reap," "Deriving Life," and other 2019 stories...
New year, new me.